Friday, October 4, 2013

Mental Illness in Japan Part 5: Stigma

I have met three exchange students who experienced depression whilst on exchange. They all lived in different areas of Japan and felt that there were some misunderstandings about mental illnesses and more limited treatment options. A fourth student (I heard about through word of mouth) had attempted suicide. Other students on my exchange program and the Japanese Coordinator mocked him, which I found to be disturbing. But, perhaps that experience was unusual?

During my research about eating disorders in Japan I did find a documentary, some posters and medical information about anorexia nevosa in Japanese. (Interestingly, if the fat to muscle ratio is not right, showing symptoms of anorexia nevosa, then sometimes exercise is prescribed by Japanese Doctors). I don't think that there is total ignorance about mental illness in Japan. After all, there has been a lot of talk about depression and suicide in Japan.

The Japanese Prime Minister also recently pushed for a plan to put mentally ill people first in order to try and end discrimination in the work recruitment process - which is ahead of most of the countries in the world in terms of trying to end mental illness discrimination in work recruitment and is a very progressive step.

Unfortunately, the Japanese Economy is in serious debt at the moment. I had a Japanese friend who wanted to become a Psychologist in Japan, but due to the economic situation - she thought it wouldn't be possible. If anyone has experienced mental illness in Japan then I would love to hear your views. How do you think the situation can be improved and what were the positives and negatives of your experience?

P.S. here's a website about mental illness in Japan.

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